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School Director,Mrs.Lalita Prakash inspire the children at the Ed Expo 2020 Event

School Director,Mrs.Lalita Prakash was among the dignataries who were invited at the Ed Expo 2020 which is a two day event to guide and inspire the children to choose a stream of their interest. Tycoon group organized Ed – Expo 2020 which is a unique concept of Career Seminar cum Education Fair on 7th and 8th February .The event aimed to address the concerns and aspirations of students themselves and their parents to orient their wards to the right careers .Our school Director ,Mrs. Prakash, an eminent educationist, was invited as the Guest of Honor at the event. She encouraged the young minds to follow their dreams and choose the career of their choice. She also sensitized the children about ample opportunities available now a days and urged to choose from a multitude of professional career options, and for those who would be completing their schooling .The session was proved to be highly beneficial to the students.