
Courage is the ability to do something that frightens you or everyone else. It is the ability to face one's fears and achieve something, despite the obstacles that may lie in the path. Someone with courage is bold and brave, unafraid to face tough challenges. Being courageous does not mean that we need to take everything lightly, nor does it mean being overconfident. Instead, it means accepting all the challenges life has to offer. It means conquering our own demons. It does not mean being stronger than others instead it means slaying all of your fears, and coming out of the trauma more stronger, ready to face whatever comes next. A successful person, is always inspired by someone or something, it might be something of his past, an experience, an incident , his formal fears, which he must have conquered, and that's the mantra of being successful in life. Here we establish the fact that courage is a necessity, a person can never be truly successful if he hasn't learned to control his demons and conquer his fears yet. Courage needs no age. Even a 7 year old can conquer his fears with the right amount of motivation.
A child needs to be taught the importance of courage during his formative years, he needs to be counselled by his parents about the forthcoming hardships and obstacles in his life that he'll have to face no matter what. The parent needs to inculcate the value of courage in their children, so that the child turns to be a better person and strong enough to face the world outside his/her comfort zone. We need to understand that courage is not something that comes by itself .It is not a gift by birth. It'll come only when we let go of all our fears. Once we learn how to do that nothing can come between us and our goal.
By Dipti Sharma
Science Teacher